September 2019 Newsletter

Our August meeting was a club day and probably the quietest one we have ever had with only Keith Leonard turning a couple of yew bowls and Geoff Horsfield on his own small lathe.

Keith was demonstrating his own way of turning bowls and most people that turned up for the day were seated watching him.
Geoff was to one side quietly getting on with turning illuminated glass orb decorations like the ones that Emma Cook (the Tiny Turner) demonstrated in October last year.
Dawn was busy arranging the possible entries we have so far for the next SAW competition in October and on that note please bring in to the next meeting more pieces for us to choose from for this event. We need ten pieces and they must all be turned by different people. Ie we can’t put five of Howard’s lumps and five from Chris!!

The day fizzled out somewhat in the afternoon and it was home for an early bath for all.

Geoff working on his own lathe turning the holders for the globes and here it's almost finished.

Nothing else to show this time but it does leave some room to include some pics of our two days at Woodlands Garden Centre. Woodlands are celebrating 50 years of being in business and Fred and Dawn came up with two gifts from us in appreciation of them allowing us to be there for these charity events.
The pictures are in the Gallery

We asked Monica, one of the staff at Woodlands, to draw the raffle prize tickets.

And this one is number ???

One down and two to go. Bert would contact the winners on Monday and get them delivered.


Notice Board
Attached is a copy of Dawn's email to all who helped at Woodlands. The next one in November is a bit nearer home at Dobbies at Gillingham so maybe a few fresh faces could join in and help.

Hi All,
Many thanks to all for your hard work and for giving up your time to make this another successful fund raising event. Thank you Fred for the extra £180.00 from previous sales. I know both charities will be thrilled with the amount of money raised. I did not think we would reach the £1000.00 let alone go £200.00 over.

Thank you Keith for helping to setup on Friday and for bringing Fred, much appreciated.
Many thanks again to all.
Warm regards.
